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Astronomy Roadshow Planetarium

​​Updated November 2022

Science is about taking time to explore facts, figures, experiments, being honest and unbiased. Personal views should not be involved. The final conclusion will far more likely be the correct one. My grievance is with the people that manufacture and publish nonsense conspiracy material, not with those that follow it. We can’t all be experts at physics, photography, rocket science, chemistry, geology etc. This publication, together with the book, gives all the correct answers with the homework completed to save you the time and effort.

​It is my personal goal to help reverse this to give to us a better chance to solve real problems around the globe rather than this terrible and wasteful distraction.

This book is a clear example of how this can be achieved and relaunch the excitement for many to exploring our Universe. It is a complex place and there are genuine mysteries to solve; so lets get going and sidestep this ridiculous pointless nonsense as fast as possible.

Copyright © Astronomy Roadshow All rights Reserved

Any text found on the site in Orange Italics are quotes from
Conspiracy Supporters, or at least represent their point of view. The rest is 100% correct science!


Any person, organisation, magazine etc supporting such conspiracies should think very carefully about their position. It can very easily be shown where these ideas are going wrong, so it can damage their own status regarding a complete failure to carry out simple investigations in a logical manner. Some people have been bashing on for years about these points and yet they can be torn apart in minutes. It simply puts into doubt anything else they may support. They are publicly embarrassing themselves, but it's their free choice.

Anyone may contact us regarding this subject via the Form on the 'Welcome' page. Rude comments are ignored, but do reply to civilised messages. I have every intention of making this work a complete and thorough argument against the moon hoax idea; I won't mention the word 'theory' as in science, it involves evidence; they simply haven't produced any in decades.

Many thanks to three generations of the Culver family of Huntsville, Alabama for their inspiration, advice and input that helped to create this book and website. The bravery of all astronauts should be fully restored as they deserve. Conspiracy theorists should halt spreading around nonsense and diluting the real education process.  ​Peter Bassett FRAS